Missouris Shoal’s Patriots

The Missouris Shoal Chapter, NSDAR, takes pride in honoring our Patriots. Below is a list of our chapter members’ Patriot ancestors and the state in which they served.


PatriotServiceState of Service
Barnett, AmbrosePrivateVirginia
Breckenridge, AlexanderCaptain / Patriotic ServiceVirginia
Brooks, AbijahPrivateMassachusetts
Buckles, RobertLieutenantVirginia
Bullock, JamesPatriotic ServiceVirginia
Carlock, HanchristPrivateVirginia
Crouch, JesseVirginia
Crowley. JamesPrivateVirginia
Estes, JoelPatriotic Service, SoldierVirginia
Estes, JohnSoldierVirginia
Gilbert, MichaelPatriotic ServiceVirginia
Guthrie, JamesSecond LieutenantPennsylvania/Virginia
Holland, ThomasPrivateVirginia
Huggins, WilliamPrivatePennsylvania
Perkins, JacobPrivateConnecticut
Potter, JamesPrivateVirginia
Strode, John, Sr.Patriotic ServiceVirginia
Tarwater, JacobPatriotic Service / PrivatePennsylvania